Do you run a daycare center? Then, you must always be on your feet, making sure kids in your daycare center are well taken care of, overseeing your staff activities, interacting with parents, and doing hundreds of other things.
Meanwhile, you have to constantly think of new ways to make your center better and more convenient for parents when managing your daycare. As of 2021, around 856,238 daycare operators are available only within the United States. That means competition is high in the industry.
Thus, you have to offer high-standards services to parents in lieu of expanding your business. And for that, automation is your only anchor.
Yep, if you automate your daycare center using the robust child care management application, you can provide better services to parents, effectively manage your teachers and other administrative operations.
Not so sure?
Well, let's discuss in-depth how automation can accelerate your daycare business productivity and growth before automating your daycare.
1. Make Your Operations Paperless
Daycare owners and staff have to deal with mountains of paperwork daily. They have to collect signatures for licensing, record attendance, maintain feedings and diaper checks, fill out daily report forms, prepare tuition bills, and so much more.
To manage and fill all the paperwork takes up a huge time that you could have used to grow your business. But thankfully, using myKidzDay lchild care application, you can throw all the pens and papers out and use your smart gadgets to effectively manage your daycare.
The application contains all the features that you ever required to smoothly run your daycare, such as:
Attendance recording: Parents and teachers can easily sign in children into the daycare through their respective apps.
Daily sheet: Using this feature, teachers can record detailed activities of a child, including when he or she ate, took a nap, changed diapers, and more. The best thing is that you can share in real-time all this information with parents.
Activity planner: If you have to organize an event in your daycare, you can use the app to send notes to parents and staff members using the app.
2. Improve Your Service Quality
When your teachers don't have to spend hours on maintaining daily sheets and attendance records, they can spend more time with kids. In addition, your teachers can perform their administrative duties in half time with the software that gives them more free time.
Additionally, less workload means happy staff, which is equal to better quality services. On the other hand, when parents see how many new things their kids are learning from their teachers, they won't hesitate to recommend your services to other parents.
3. Strengthen Parents Engagement
For working parents, it has always been a bit challenging to maintain a balance between their professional and personal lives. They often worry about missing out on important milestones and events of their child's life. Therefore, around 29% of mothers in the US opt to stay at home until their kids reach a certain age.
Here if you use child care management in your daycare, you can provide real-time experience to parents. For example, the myKidzDay app allows teachers to share real-time nap information, diaper change schedules, meal plans, kids' photos, and many other details with parents.
Additionally, the application allows parents to interact with teachers and share relevant information like who will be picking kids from daycare, when infants were last fed, etc.
This bridges the gap between parents, their kids, and daycare.
4. Elevated Insights into Child Development and Progress
As compared to paper-based records, the software will allow you to better analyze a child's development and progress. Using the app, you can quickly check the progress reports of a child over the months. This helps teachers to change their strategies to improve the progress in low-performing children.
On the parent's side, the software allows parents to monitor their child's progress and development in real-time. They can view digital records of a child's nap time, eating habits, and toiletry routines anytime. This even helps parents to identify medical issues on time and provide real-time information to their doctors for quick treatment.
Considering the recent events, the myKidzDay app has also added temperature tracking and health check questions to improve the daycare centers' health standards.
5. Automate Payment and Billing System
Child care management applications have built-in digital billing and payment systems. Daycare owners can send bills to parents based on the service hours. They can also keep tabs on the unpaid accounts and send reminders to parents for payments.
Similarly, parents get the convenience to pay daycare fees digitally and save time. This digital billing will reduce your workload, facilitate fast payments and provide touchless payment options to your daycare parents.
Smart Move to Grow Your Business
Automation isn't an option anymore for daycare owners. Today, if you wish to scale your business operations and improve your service quality, a dedicated daycare app is a must for you.
The software will take away mundane tasks from your plate and allow you to establish a stronger connection with your parents. Along with this, you can observe and manage your staff from your mobile phones.
All in all, having a dedicated child care management system will provide you with a competitive edge and a good market reputation.
If you haven't used a daycare app before, you can consult with the myKidzDay team, and they will help you understand how you can accelerate your business growth with automation. You can give them a call today, or you can download the app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store anytime.